Simply Soft Long Sleeve Smocked Skirt Dress - Purple Blue Watercolor
Simply Soft Long Sleeve Smocked Skirt Dress - Purple Blue Watercolor
Simply Soft Long Sleeve Smocked Skirt Dress - Purple Blue Watercolor
Simply Soft Long Sleeve Smocked Skirt Dress - Purple Blue Watercolor

Simply Soft Long Sleeve Smocked Skirt Dress - Purple Blue Watercolor

${ formatMoney(productPrice).replace('.00', '') } ${ computedProductOriginalPriceFormatted.replace('.00', '') }
(${ formQuantity } @ ${ formatMoney(productPrice / formQuantity).replace('.00', '') })

Simply Soft Long Sleeve Smocked Skirt Dress - Purple Blue Watercolor

${ computedProductOriginalPriceFormatted.replace('.00', '') } ${ formatMoney(productPrice).replace('.00', '') }
(${ formQuantity } @ ${ formatMoney(productPrice / formQuantity).replace('.00', '') })

Retail Price $59

This style features a smocked waistband and two layers of ruffles for an ultra fun & feminine style. The top is made in our Simply Soft fabric and the bottom is made in our stylish liquid fabric. This dress is perfect for all ages, it looks great on littles and even your tween will love it!

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