Simply Soft Short Sleeve Fitted Tee - Tropical Aqua
Simply Soft Short Sleeve Fitted Tee - Tropical Aqua
Simply Soft Short Sleeve Fitted Tee - Tropical Aqua
Simply Soft Short Sleeve Fitted Tee - Tropical Aqua

Simply Soft Short Sleeve Fitted Tee - Tropical Aqua

${ formatMoney(productPrice).replace('.00', '') } ${ computedProductOriginalPriceFormatted.replace('.00', '') }
(${ formQuantity } @ ${ formatMoney(productPrice / formQuantity).replace('.00', '') })

Simply Soft Short Sleeve Fitted Tee - Tropical Aqua

${ computedProductOriginalPriceFormatted.replace('.00', '') } ${ formatMoney(productPrice).replace('.00', '') }
(${ formQuantity } @ ${ formatMoney(productPrice / formQuantity).replace('.00', '') })

Retail Price $24

Our Short Sleeve Fitted Tee is a fitted style that is made in our Simply Soft fabric. This closet staple is the perfect top worn back to leggings, sweatpants, flares, skirts, you name it! Trust us, you will want to stock up on multiple colors!

Star Printed in USA
Star Limited-edition
Star Easy Returns
Star Buy Now, Pay Later
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Only ${ variantQty[] } in stock

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