Simply Soft Skater Legging - Black Rainbow Foil Splatter
Simply Soft Skater Legging - Black Rainbow Foil Splatter
Simply Soft Skater Legging - Black Rainbow Foil Splatter

Simply Soft Skater Legging - Black Rainbow Foil Splatter

${ formatMoney(productPrice).replace('.00', '') } ${ computedProductOriginalPriceFormatted.replace('.00', '') }
(${ formQuantity } @ ${ formatMoney(productPrice / formQuantity).replace('.00', '') })

Simply Soft Skater Legging - Black Rainbow Foil Splatter

${ computedProductOriginalPriceFormatted.replace('.00', '') } ${ formatMoney(productPrice).replace('.00', '') }
(${ formQuantity } @ ${ formatMoney(productPrice / formQuantity).replace('.00', '') })

Retail Price $36

Our skater legging features a 2 in 1 skater skirt with buttery, soft leggings attached! Our leggings are made in our Simply Soft fabric and the skirt is in our beautiful multi foiled specialty knit. It's the perfect way to dress up and stay comfortable at the same time!

Star Printed in USA
Star Limited-edition
Star Easy Returns
Star Buy Now, Pay Later
${ productVariantOptions[i] }: ${ optionSelections[i + 1] || 'Select ' + productVariantOptions[i] }

Only ${ variantQty[] } in stock

${ PdpError.description }

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